In their vibrant colours, rock and stone are radiant bearers of Earth’s Story. In company with Teilhard de Chardin, we will explore the divine plan for our planet and all creation. "All things were created through Christ and for him, and in him all things hold together." Col 1.15-20
Venue: Nano Nagle Centre - 6 Reserve Street ,Claremont, WA 6011
Date: 19th Sept 2024 - 9:30am till 3 pm
Cost: $50 (includes handouts, morning and afternoon tea and light lunch)
Guest Presenter: Sr Shelley Barlow - Sr Shelley has long been fascinated by the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and brings together the spirituality and evolving understanding of our Christian story in this context.
Further information and Registration - please visit the Nano Nagle Centre website: